Andrei Pall

Linux Software Engineering

Type hinting in PHP

Type-hinting allows you to enforce specific types in your code. The code below tells the script to enforce strict types:


Note: The strict_types declaration must be the very first statement in the script.

As of PHP 8.0, PHP has thirteen different types you can specify for declarations in your code. Let's take a look at each of them below:

  • string - Value must be a string.
  • int - Value must be an integer.
  • float - Value must be a floating-point number.
  • bool - Value must be Boolean (i.e., either true or false).
  • array - Value must be an array.
  • iterable - Value must be an array or object that can be used with the foreach loop.
  • callable - Value must be a callable function.
  • parent - Value must be an instance of the parent to the defining class. This can only be used on class and instance methods.
  • self - Value must be either an instance of the class that defines the method or a child of the class. This can only be used on class and instance methods.
  • interface name - Value must be an object that implements the given interface.
  • class name - Value must be an instance of the given class name.
  • mixed - Value can be any type.
  • void - Value must be nothing. It can only be used in function returns.

Type-Hinting Function Parameters

function add(int $a, int $b) {
    return $a + $b;

Type-Hinting Function Returns

function add(int $a, int $b): int {
    return $a + $b;

Sometimes, you might not want to return anything from a function; if you would like to enforce this, you can use the void type:

function like(): void {
    $post->likes + 1;

Alternatively, you might want to return the instance of the object that defines a function from the same function. You can use the static type for this purpose:

class Person
    public function returnPerson(): static
        return new Person();

The code above defines a class, Person, with a function, returnPerson, that returns a Person object.

Nullable Types

function greeting(?string $username) : ?string
    if ($username) {
        return "Hello, $username!";
    return null;

Union Types

function formatPrice(float | int $price): string
    return '$' . number_format($price, 2);

Type-Hinting Class Properties

class Person
    public string $name;
    public int $age;
    public float $height;
    public bool $is_married;

    public function __construct($name, $age, $height, $is_married)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->age = $age;
        $this->height = $height;
        $this->is_married = $is_married;

The callable Type

function sortArray(callable $sort_function, array $array)
    return $array;

function bubbleSort(array $array): array
    $sorted = false;
    while (!$sorted) {
        $sorted = true;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($array) - 1; $i++) {
            if ($array[$i] > $array[$i + 1]) {
                $temp = $array[$i];
                $array[$i] = $array[$i + 1];
                $array[$i + 1] = $temp;
                $sorted = false;
    return $array;

sortArray('bubbleSort', [1, 3, 2, 5, 4]);

Constructor property promotion

class Customer
    public function __construct(
        public string $name, 
        public string $email, 
        public DateTimeImmutable $birth_date,
    ) {}