PDO - PHP Data Objects - is a database access layer providing a uniform method of access to multiple databases. This tutorial isn’t meant to be a complete how-to on SQL. It’s written primarily for people currently using the mysql or mysqli extension to help them make the jump to the more portable and powerful PDO.
// Official documentation: http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php
/* Class that we will use to hold our data */
class Employee {
private $last_name ;
private $first_name ;
private $salary ;
public function getFirstName (){ return $this -> first_name ; }
public function getLastName (){ return $this -> last_name ; }
public function getSalary (){ return $this -> salary ; }
public function getYearlySalary (){ return $this -> salary * 12 ; }
/* Create main PDO object */
$dsn = "mysql:host=;dbname=hr;charset=utf8mb4" ;
$pdo = new PDO ( $dsn , 'hr_user' , 'secretpassword' );
/* Execute a prepared statement by binding PHP variables */
$emp_id = 99 ;
$emp_lastname = 'King' ;
$stmt = $pdo -> prepare ( 'SELECT first_name, last_name, salary FROM employees
WHERE employee_id > :emp_id AND last_name = :emp_lastname' );
/* Bind the variables (note that we specify the type) */
$stmt -> bindParam ( ':emp_id' , $emp_id );
$stmt -> bindParam ( ':emp_lastname' , $emp_lastname );
/* Execute the statement */
$stmt -> execute ();
/* Get all rows - note that this array will contain "Employee" objects */
$result = $stmt -> fetchAll ( PDO :: FETCH_CLASS , 'Employee' );
/* Go over each of the rows */
echo "<ul>" ;
foreach ( $result as $employee ) {
// var_dump($employee);
printf ( "<li>first_name: %s, last_name: %s, salary: %.2f</li>" ,
$employee -> getFirstName (), $employee -> getLastName (), $employee -> getSalary ());
echo "</ul>" ;